Friday, April 16, 2010

I miss Texas... because...

today I got an email from my cousin of pictures from the Texas hill country. For those of you who know me, you know that I grew up around this area. To me, this is HOME! Always will be. I love being there and it's hard everytime I leave.

While I did not personally take these photographs, I just had to share them with all of you. Nature in all it's beauty. I think this probably rates up in the top 5 reasons I miss Texas!!!

i really am HOMEsick!


Yankee Girl ~ Missy said...

Those are beautiful pictures!!! Thanks for sharing. Hope you get to go home for a visit soon.

Iva Messy said...

WOW!! these pictures are completely amazing!! I love the last one so much!! I hope you can go for a visit really soon ;)